Framework & Methodology

Framework & Methodology

The Project & Portfolio Management (PPM) framework and methodology are provided to assist teams in both “doing the right projects” and “doing projects right”. 

The PPM framework facilitates: 

  • prioritization of proposed projects ensuring that available resources are applied to highest priority activities
  • verification of VP-CIO Area resource availability prior to project Initiation
  • visibility into the phase and status of portfolio projects

Prioritization and resource needs are evaluated during the proposal phase. Visibility is provided for VP-CIO Area projects via the CIO PPM tool during all phases of the project lifecycle.

The IT Project Management methodology is based on best practices from the Project Management Institute and has been customized for use in our environment.  A toolkit is provided including templates and guidelines facilitating:

  • the right sizing of project management for various complexity projects
  • the delivery of IT projects within scope, schedule, and goals

The Project Management activities occur largely within the Initiation, Planning, Execution/Monitoring/Control, and Closeout Phases of the PPM framework.

Project Phase


"Are we working on the right projects?"

  • Project created in “proposed” status
  • To progress, project must be championed/sponsored by member of the CIO leadership team; sponsor must ensure prioritization scoring, complexity scoring, and team identification
  • For CIO Portfolio projects, a Request to Initiate review is held. Projects approved by leadership team move into Initiation
  • A PM is required for a project to move into Initiation; for some projects the PM may be a member of the technical team


"What is the project about?"

  • Activities for this phase include defining the goals and scope of the project
  • The major deliverable of this phase is the documented and approved Project Charter


"How will the project be delivered?"

  • Planning activities include: Budget, Detailed Work Schedule, Communications Plan, Risk Register, etc.
  • Architectural options evaluation and preliminary design may occur during this phase
  • Charter may be updated based upon discovery during the project planning
  • The major deliverable of this phase is the documented and approved Project Plan

Execution & Monitoring/Control

"Doing the work in the plan"

  • Activity during this phase is focused on execution as the ‘work’ of the project takes place according to the plan
  • The PM monitors and tracks all aspects of the project execution and provides status reports to management, sponsor and other oversight groups
  • Monitoring activities include risk and issue management
  • Plan(s) are updated/revised as necessary


"How did we do?"

  • Project remains in “active” status until all Closeout activities are completed
  • This includes closing/disencumbering P.O.s, preparing a final project budget report, updating all project documents and artifacts, documenting Lessons Learned, etc.