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IT Governance

The following committees provide governance for Information Technology issues that affect the larger University of Virginia community:

IT Advisory Committee (ITAC)

The Information Technology Advisory Committee, along with its permanent and temporary subcommittees, provides guidance, advice, and assistance to the VP-CIO and the CIO Leadership Team on matters affecting information technology operations and strategy.  The focus of the committee is on the overall IT environment at the University. The work of the committee is outcome-based, collaborative, and focuses on common solutions. The committee takes a pro-active role in advising the VP-CIO areas on future projects and services.  Members of the committee are responsible for representing the interests of the school/departments as well as the University as a whole.

IT Security Advisory Committee (SAC)

The Information Technology Security Advisory Committee provides guidance, advice, and assistance to the CISO. The focus of the committee is on improving the overall cybersecurity environment at the University in a collaborative and outcome-based manner. Members of the committee are responsible for representing the interests of their respective school/departments as well as the University as a whole.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Advisory Committee

The Identity and Access Management (IAM) Advisory Committee advises the Associate Vice President and Deputy CIO (designated as the IAM Data Steward) on IAM data governance issues pertaining to identity life cycle management, role/attribute-based provisioning, IAM integrations, and other identity-related data issues.  The Committee also proposes IAM initiatives, enhancements, and process improvements for consideration and may assist in prioritizing IAM development activities. 

Microsoft 365 Advisory Committee

The Microsoft 365 Advisory Committee advises ITS on the adoption and expansion of Microsoft 365 tools in an effort to reduce barriers to communication and collaboration and to enable UVa faculty, staff, and students to work across traditional boundaries. The Committee advises and makes recommendations regarding the ongoing transition of students from Google to Microsoft 365 and our move to a common collaboration platform for UVA. The Committee provides input to the automated provisioning of Microsoft 365 for new and continuing students, faculty, and staff. Further, the Advisory Committee advises ITS regarding other matters pertaining to email, calendaring, and related productivity tools as necessary.


Learning Platform Advisory Group (LPAG)

The Learning Platform Advisory Group (LPAG) provides guidance, advice, and assistance related to the University's central Learning Management System (LMS) and its integrated tools and services. The group's memebership includes representatives of all participating schools and major units. As a body, they are charged with applying their experience and expertise in educational development and support, and the contexts of their instructors and students, to build and maintain a digital extension of our Academical Village that will meet our current and future needs for teaching and learning.

UVACollab Retirement Project Steering Committee

The UVACollab Retirement Project Steering Committee advises and assists with communications to support the successful multi-year transition of content from UVACollab. This project will identify UVACollab sites that are not eligible for migration to the new Learning Management System, Canvas, and will recommend options for transitioning their content. This project serves as a companion to the Learning Management System (LMS) Project which was completed in 2023. Steering Committee members will provide knowledge of how their schools and departments use UVACollab non-course sites, review recommendations for the transitioning of site content, and communicate project information to their stakeholders.    

Research Computing Faculty Advisory Committee 

The Research Computing Faculty Advisory Committee provides advice to the Associate Vice President for Research Computing on Research Computing's (RC) service catalog, current and planned as well as RC's user facing operations. In particular, focusing on the alignment of the service catalog with the immediate and emerging needs of the research community, across all disciplines. Through engagement with this committee, RC aims to provide a breadth of services ranging from a baseline level of common good solutions, to addressing specialized needs.

VoIP Advisory Committee 

The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Advisory Committee provides guidance, advice, and assistance on matters of operation and strategy regarding the University’s VoIP telephony system. The focus of the committee is to collaborate with UVA Information Technology Services (ITS) and UVA Health Information Technology (HIT) as the University prepares for, selects, and implements the next VoIP telephony solution, including business process changes. Members of the committee are responsible for representing the interests of their respective school and departments as well as the University as a whole.

Atlassian Advisory Committee 

The Atlassian Advisory Committee advises the Atlassian Global Administrator and the ITS Atlassian operations team on Jira and Confluence governance topics pertaining to management of access, enhancement requests, prioritization of requests and changes, proposed downtimes, third party applications, best practices, and future application roadmap.