

Be a trusted partner and strategic resource to the University community, aligning technology to advance the University’s mission.

VP-CIO Values

  • Accountability: Take responsibility; seize the challenge and own it
  • Integrity and Honor: Act with honor (telling the truth and doing the right thing); preserve trust; preserve confidentiality
  • Excellence: What we do, we do well; make clear commitments and deliver quality results
  • Collaboration: Leverage collective genius; teamwork; incorporate other viewpoints ; listen to our users; Value and respect differences and perspectives; encourage diversity; genuine appreciation of others' contributions; conspire for the success of others
  • Transparency: Operate in an open and honest environment
  • Balanced Decision Making and Execution: Make effective and efficient use of time and resources; make well informed, data driven evidence-based decisions
  • Adaptability: See need and seize opportunities; embrace change
  • Broadly-focused: Think of the greater good; have the courage to shape a better future
  • Innovation: Creatively challenge the status quo; construct new and novel ideas